Start: Los Angeles, CA
End: Los Angeles, CA
Miles Driven: 12.4 (4926.5 total)
This morning, Robert led us a few blocks from his townhouse to hike Runyon Canyon. As we arrived at the trail head, so did Famke Janssen (Jean Grey of the X-Men movies), and more impressively, 30 photographers waiting to take her picture. We moved on briskly so we could hike in peace. As we got further along the trail, it was amazing how we felt out in nature--not minutes away from the bustle of Hollywood Boulevard. The fantastic views of LA from the top, however, did remind us where we were.
Next Robert took us to The Grove outdoor shopping mall. We grabbed a snack, perused the stores, and enjoyed the plaza decked out in holiday decorations. After heading back to Westwood late afternoon, we relaxed for a bit before cooking our own dinner for the first time of the road trip! It felt pretty great. At 7:00 we got decked out in UCLA gear and walked up to campus to watch the #1 basketball team crush Sam Houston State University.
what happened to your car hood? loved seeing the pictures of the coastline..reminded me of our trip was it about 10 years have had the best weather!!! Patrick 5-10 years for being should be incarcerated ( sp?) for that comment! Funny!
ok, i admit - i totally forgot about this blog. but then i remembered!!! and holy shit you guys have done a lot!!!
man oh man. well, keep on rockin' kids. you guys are awesome. and leaving for hawaii soon eh? [hehe - gotta throw in a li'l canadian charm].
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