End: Washington, DC
Miles Driven: 488.1 (10663.6 total)
The drive from North Carolina, through Virginia, to Washington, DC took us surprisingly little time. We made it downtown before dark--which was particularly helpful since there was a blackout at Katrina's cousin Gabby's place (where we were staying).
Though the museums were closed for the day, we took the Metro down to the National Mall for sunset. We finally felt ready for Mexican food again so we ventured down the cold sidewalks of U Street to Alero's. (Not sure if you noticed, but we had ALOT of Mexican food while in the South.) Keeping our fingers crossed for power, we arrived back at Gabby and Chris's to find a still-dark apartment. Just as we were settling in for a night of cards-by-headlamp, the lights flickered back on and the electricity returned!