End: Los Angeles, CA
Miles Driven: 10.8 (4937.3 total)
Today's big adventure was the Getty Center. J. Paul Getty was a billionaire art collector, and his museum now has the largest arts endowment in the world at $3 billion. The physical construction of the center alone is amazing with 6 or 7 large buildings, several huge fountains, and two large gardens including a cactus garden. We could have spent days there, but in order to avoid traffic on the 405 we were limited to hours. We viewed a couple of photography exhibits, a collection of paintings from Dresden, and Patrick's favorite, the Impressionists.
Merry Christmas guys, I'm off for the long weekend back to CT to see the fam, and I won't have internet to harass you anymore.
Patrick, make sure you are near a TV at 3pm eastern, noon PST tomorrow for BC/Kansas
The getty gallery was made famous of course when it was featured in BEAN. One of the most critically acclaimed movies of all time.
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